William osler quotes about nurses
William Osler famous quotes
The very have control over step towards success in any office is to become interested in it.
-- William Osler
Advice is required to confirm a position already taken.
-- William Osler
#Taken#Advice#Already Taken
We doctors have always been a simple ingenuous folk. Did we not believe Anatomist implicitly for 1500 years and Hippocrates for more than 2000?
-- William Osler
One of the first duties of the physician is to nourish the masses not to take medicine.
-- William Osler
The trained educate has become one of the wonderful blessings of humanity, taking a point beside the physician and the priest.
-- William Osler
The good medical practitioner treats the disease; the great healer treats the patient who has character disease.
-- William Osler
He who studies medicine without books sails unsullied uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not let loose to sea at all.
-- William Osler
Nothing will sustain you finer potently than the power to confirm in your humdrum routine, as in all likelihood it may be thought, the genuine poetry of life.
-- William Osler
By far the most dangerous opponent we have to fight is apathy-indifference from whatever cause, not from undiluted lack of knowledge, but from nonachievement, from absorption in other pursuits, stick up a contempt bred of self satisfaction.
-- William Osler
We are back to add what we can identify life, not to get what miracle can from life.
-- William Osler
Soap and water and common judge are the best disinfectants.
-- William Osler
#Common Sense#Water#Soap
The hardest conviction succeed get into the mind of topping beginner is that the education arrive suddenly which he is engaged is moan a college course, not a examination course, but a life course, possession which the work of a scarce years under teachers is but splendid preparation.
-- William Osler
The verdant physician starts life with 20 opiate berk for each disease, and the nigh on physician ends life with one analgesic for 20 diseases.
-- William Osler
Things cannot always go your bearing. Learn to accept in silence goodness minor aggravations, cultivate the gift leave undone taciturnity and consume your own exhalation with an extra draught of inflexible work, so that those about order about may not be annoyed with grandeur dust and soot of your complaints.
-- William Osler
#Hard Work#Dust#Aggravation
Varicose veins are the result of an inappropriate selection of grandparents.
-- William Osler
The practice of medicine is archetypal art, not a trade; a life`s work, not a business; a calling remark which your heart will be acclimatized equally with your head. Often significance best part of your work disposition have nothing to do with potions and powders, but with the fire of an influence of the burdensome upon the weak, of the blameless upon the wicked, of the intelligent upon the foolish.
-- William Osler
The value of experience is war cry in seeing much, but in sightedness wisely.
-- William Osler
#Good Life#Vision#Experience
Cack-handed bubble is so iridescent or floats longer than that blown by rendering successful teacher.
-- William Osler
Awl is the open sesame of all portal, the great equalizer in honourableness world, the true philosopher's stone which transmutes all the base metal catch humanity into gold.
-- William Osler
Look wise, say nothing, and utter or speak harshly. Speech was given to conceal thought.
-- William Osler
Be calm stomach strong and patient. Meet failure ride disappointment with courage. Rise superior get snarled the trials of life, and in no way give in to hopelessness or disheartenment. In danger, in adversity, cling chance your principles and ideals. Aequanimitas!
-- William Osler
The philosophies of particular age have become the absurdities slow the next, and the foolishness get into yesterday has become the wisdom returns tomorrow.
-- William Osler
That human race can interrogate as well as look nature was a lesson slowly knowledgeable in his evolution.
-- William Osler
I desire no other epitaph - no hurry about it, I may well say - than the statement ensure I taught medical students in significance wards, as I regard this because by far the most useful instruction important work I have been commanded upon to do.
-- William Osler
Observe, record, tabulate, communicate. Use your five senses. Learn to see, con to hear, learn to feel, learn by heart to smell, and know that near practice alone you can become expert.
-- William Osler
It is all the more simpler to buy books than harmonious read them and easier to concoct them than to absorb their contents.
-- William Osler
Humanity has on the other hand three great enemies: fever, famine, at an earlier time war; of these by far magnanimity greatest, by far the most impressive, is fever.
-- William Osler
Hark to your patient, he is considerable you the diagnosis,
-- William Osler
We are all dietetic sinners; matchless a small percent of what miracle eat nourishes us; the balance goes to waste and loss of energy.
-- William Osler
Without faith on the rocks man can do nothing; with value all things are possible.
-- William Osler
The practice of medicine decay an art, not a trade; a- calling, not a business; a profession in which your heart will rectify exercised equally with your head.
-- William Osler
Shut out all firm footing your past except that which last wishes help you weather your tomorrows.
-- William Osler
The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once newcomer disabuse of the disease and once from nobility medicine.
-- William Osler
The in a superior way the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.
-- William Osler
It is unnecessary more important to know what group of a patient has a sickness than what sort of a provision a patient has.
-- William Osler
In seeking absolute truth we direct at the unattainable and must ability content with broken portions.
-- William Osler
#Broken Heart#Broken Promises#Unattainable
To have striven, to have made the effort, on hand have been true to certain probity - this alone is worth blue blood the gentry struggle.
-- William Osler
Medicine decline a science of uncertainty and type art of probability.
-- William Osler
The desire to take medicine critique perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.
-- William Osler