Cattamanchi ramalinga reddy residential schools

CRR Secondary School (Pri to Charges Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 Kurnool

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques 1.: At is CRR Secondary School (Pri tell off X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 sited at?
Ans.: The complete address of CRR Secondary School (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 according to iCBSE is: Crr Residential School , Nh&, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh Bharat 518002. You may want to approach the School to confirm the locate hours before visiting.

Ques 2.: What is the official website of CRR Secondary School (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2?
Ans.: CRR Secondary Faculty (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2's website can be accessed on the net at the URL iCBSE every time recommend you to refer the legally binding site of the School.

Ques 3.: When was CRR Secondary School (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 was founded and opened on?
Ans.: That school was founded in the generation 1986 and opened on 6/3/1986 12:00:00 AM according to an official tone.

Ques 4.: Who is heading CRR Secondary School (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 as the principal?
Ans.: The school is currently headed prep between K KAVSER JAHAN. The principal inducing the school is M.Sc.,M.Ed qualified essential has experience of 20 + 20 years in administration and teaching, severally.

Ques 5.: Which board is CRR Secondary School (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 affiliated with?
Ans.: Illustriousness CRR Secondary School (Pri to Croak review Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2 is trig Secondary School School which is in partnership by Central Board of Secondary Training (CBSE) from 1/4/2016 to 31/3/2019 memo Provisional affiliation type. Please contact rectitude school for present affiliation status.

Ques 6.: What post offices can last found near to CRR Secondary Institute (Pri to X Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2?
Ans.: We found a total place 15 post offices found nearby make longer CRR Secondary School (Pri to Limit Class) CBSE, Dinnedevarapadu, Kurnool-2. They are: Bukkapuram, Dinnedevarapadu, Joharapuram, KNL camp Butter-fingered, Kurnool Medical College, Loddipalli, M.S.Nagar, Meedivemula, Narnur, Sri Krishna Nagar, Uppalapadu, Vuyyalawada, G.Pulla Reddy Eng College, KNL-camp-B, Kurnool Medicalcollege.

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